Safety and Hospitality

A District that is clean and well-maintained creates a positive perception of safety, but Streetplus doesn’t stop there. We turn perception into reality, helping to make your District as safe as can be by deploying well-trained, professional, and caring Safety and Hospitality Ambassadors.

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  • One of the most important aspects of a successful Safety Ambassador program is the availability and visibility of the Ambassadors on patrol. Streetplus Safety Ambassadors patrol on foot, on police mountain bicycles, via Segway Personal Transporters, and vehicles. Safety Ambassadors are assigned to a zone within the District and are responsible for regularly patrolling the zone as a deterrent to illegal and unwanted activity.

  • Streetplus uses an electronic monitoring and tracking system structured to ensure all block faces within the District receive patrol services. Reports are available to measure services and to track coverage. 

  • One of the most important tasks performed by Streetplus Safety Ambassadors is to interact with individuals committing quality of life infractions, such as public intoxication, panhandling, public urination, noise infractions, and other non-emergency situations that adversely affect the public domain.

  • Streetplus Safety Ambassadors make regular and consistent contact with businesses and merchants in their Districts to listen to business owners’ concerns, share information about crime prevention and safety tips, and alert them to upcoming events in the District.

  • Employees in the District can arrange for Personal Safety Escorts. A designated Safety Ambassador will meet the employee at their place of business and escort them to their vehicle or transportation location. Safety Ambassadors will also be visible and available at high pedestrian traffic areas during certain times, as well as positioned at strategic locations before and after special events to provide assistance as needed.

  • Streetplus Safety Ambassadors keep statistical data, documenting completed tasks and incident reports, by using Statview. This information is used to report outcomes monthly to stakeholders and Boards of Directors. For more information about Statview, click here

  • Safety Hospitality Ambassadors will partner with local police departments to educate people and businesses on safety related issues. They’ll also work closely with private security personnel assigned to private buildings and businesses by sharing information with them.

  • Streetplus Safety/Hospitality Ambassadors are selected based on their personalities, attitudes, and friendliness. A significant part of their daily responsibilities is to share information. While on patrol within their assigned zone, they will focus on engaging pedestrians with the intent of enhancing their experience in the District. They will offer a friendly greeting and provide assistance, directions, answer questions and recommendations on things to see and do.

  • Our Ambassadors can provide set-up, cleaning and tear down support during various special events. Ambassadors will conduct a variety of special projects mutually agreed upon by your District and Streetplus.